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Welcome in Romania

Before C4, the Romanian team prepare activities for the mobility: presentations, games, worksheets, musical and dance performances, display of traditional costumes, traditional dishes made by parents. The events are inserted in the daily schedule. The practices on the first and last day, notably for professors and pupils who are actively involved, will moderately influence the regular educational program. The professors will have to be supplanted by their school workmates. The seminars will be performed in IT centers and will not interrupt class functioning. Attendees will be divided proportionally for class participation events.

The exchange comprises: seminars and introductions given by Romanian pupils, professors meetings to analyze the characteristics of the Romanian schooling system, class attendance, cultural activities, visits to places of historical and geographical interest where local students will behave as stakeholder guides, evaluation practices and leisure time events.

Welcome ceremony of the European partners with traditional songs and dances proposed by the students and their teachers.
Meeting to present the region and the functioning of the school by the teaching team and the mayor of the city.
Visit to the various schools and their classes.
Discovery of an Orthodox church with a musical demonstration by the students.
Traditional song and dance performance by high school students.
Opening meal of the Erasmus week with the different delegations.

Visit to the frozen lake Balea and an ice hotel.
Zumba demonstration and classes by elementary school students.
First stop on the image with the different possible applications according to the realities of each country.
Workshop 1 – elements of Romanian geography.
Evaluation 1 – mobile applications to evaluate the participants’ acquired knowledge.

Workshop 2 – elements of Romanian history: Visit an exhibition at the cultural center on the history of the city.
Visit to the Fagaras Fortress and panorama.
Evaluation 2 – Transnational meeting on the project.
Workshop 3 – Traditional music and dance – pupils and teachers listen to and watch musical performances. Romanian students teach participants traditional dances and sing together a famous song from the European space..

Attending music classes, "Icebreaker" and body and voice warm-up, theatrical activities, singing lessons, relaxation activities.
Meeting with an independent music teacher and presentation of musical instruments.
Workshop 4: The hosts present a short song from the Romanian traditional repertoire Participants work in groups to identify and debate the theme, characters, symbols. Then they are split in groups and create a poster for the song.
Cultural evening: Women's Day (traditional dances).

Tangible results:

Posters, photos; construction of musical activities around the theme worked during the mobility week; certificates of participation.

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